Friday, April 9, 2010

An update!

Okay, so I have been slacking and I apologize but 1 I lost internet for like a week and 2 I have been extremely busy! So Instead od writing a whole long essay I thought I would post some pics of stuff we have been doing and tell a little about them! Sorry again and I will def start posting more often!

We went repelling Tuesday with Josh's boss and some of his co-workers/family members. We had a lot of fun but got a little too much sun!!

Bai and I went and waited in wal-mart for the release of New Moon. It came out at mid-night and of course we had to get and take it home and watch. I think we wwent to be at like 3 that morning! But it was a lot of fun. And man there were a TON of people there.

So, this was my first "bridal show". It wasn't anything fancy but I had a lot of fun setting up my little booth.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Grounding!! It was so hilarious!

Last Sunday night, Josh and I lay there in bed trying to fall asleep. Well, I was trying to get sleepy by reading a book and Josh just passes out whenever he gets horizontal! lol. Anyways, I'm laying there reading and I hear this noise. I can't even desribe it but I know it wasn't our dogs. Our dogs have taken to sleeping downstairs in the middle of the night on a couch and a chair. So, I decided to ignore it cause it wasn't like a loud noise or anything just a vvery strange noise. I turn the light out and sure enough I drifted right to sleep.
I was awoken in the middle of the night by Marley barking downstairs. Half asleep, I wake Josh up and ask " What is Marley barking at?" Mar doesn't bark at night usually cause she's snoring so loud she doesn't hear anything. I drifted back to sleep before Josh could tell me what he found. What can I say? I was sleeping pretty darn good.
The next morning Josh wakes me up and says "Hey, I need to tell you something."
So, I rub my eyes and try to wake up enough to understand the words coming out of his mouth. He starts off by asking me if I remembered waking him up last night and I vaguely could. The way he was talking I knew it wasn't good and it kinda scared me. He then went on to tell me that he went downstairs last night to see what Mar had been barking at and he got to the office and there was a glow from under the door. He knew my laptop should have been asleep too. So he went in and did sosme investigating. THis is what he found. Bailey had figured out my password and gotten on to my laptop at like 2 in the morning. I was FURIOUS!!! We had talked about the rules and one of my biggest pet peaves is if someone gets into my stuff without asking. And this is my OFFICE!!! I work in there. My equipment is in there and my laptop is not meant to browse stuff online! I wanted to get out of bed and just start yelling but then Josh calmed me down. THankfully! lol. So we came up with a plan! Ask her if she wanted to tell us anything first. You know, like plant the seed. Well, I asked and she was like no? What do I need to tell you? I could see she was a little worried. I asked her at like 9 in the morning. I said ok, well keep thinking. Later I asked again. SHe said nooo? I said ok. Then Josh came home and we said we are giving you one more chancee to tell us anything you want to. She STILL didn't crack. THEN, I put my serious face on, leaned over, and in cool, calm voice I said I know you were on my laptop last night. And then fear showed up in her eyes!!!! I tried not to laugh! At first she tried to deny it. But comeon, wee really aren't that dumb Bai! What really got me is that she got onto Myspace. I HATE myspace. I DESPISE Myspace. So many things can go wrong on myspace. IT really isn't protected and I know that there are perves out there.
Well, we lectured her on how we were grounding her and how dissapointed we were in her. And the entire time she just looked pissed. She wouldn't look at us and she would roll her eyes. THIS pissed me off. If someone is talking toyou, you look at them out of respect. SO I raised my voice a little and told her. ANd after about 2 minutes of that she BROKE! She started crying and apologizing. I felt bad, but hey I'm not letting things slide in this house.
So, as her punishment we took her tv out of her room. Which she would watch until the wee hours of the morning. It now resides in our room! It was a pretty successful grounding to me! Josh and I were both proud of ourselves. O yea, and about the first strange noise we heard. Want to know what it was? Cheese-its! She had gone down and gottena box of cheese-its and then hid them behind her bed. Oh kids. haha! Well, my next post should be on my first day of homeschooling or Monkey's 1st b-day! SO until then..........Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'

Monday, March 1, 2010

First Week of Parenting!

Okay, so it's beena week since Bailey has moved down here and things are going pretty good so far! Wonder how long that will last?? haha. So, the firstday we brought her down we just took things slow and unpacked her things and got her situated. We didn't want to overload her with rules the first night and take all around introducing her to everyone. We just wanted things to be calm and collect on the first night. And it was. The next day we hung out and cleaned the housse and worked on getting her enrolled into a homeschool program. Later that night we sat around the dinner table and discussed house rules. Now I remember being that age and when someone told me NOT to do something I wanted to do it that much more! All of you reading this, you know what I am talking about. So instead of pounding her with rules we included her in making them. What she thought was fair and so forth. They aren't too awful. Just the basics like #1 is Show respect. And then she has to keep her room somewhat clean, help around the house, keep out of the office (where the laptop is). And so on. We all signed the sheet that held the Keeton Commandments and put them on the fridge. The next day we went and picked out bathroom stuff for her. Like a new shower curtain and all the stuff that matched. We really want her to have a space that she feels is hers and feels good in. We also painted the bathroom BRIGHT pink. It's pretty cute actually and she ADORES it. I'll try and post some pics. So that's good. The rest of the week went pretty smooth. We didn't do any school work because we were waiting to hear back from Asbury but guess what! We never did. Friday rolled around and Josh's parents wanted to ake Bai for the night so we could have a date night and they could spoil her. Fair enough, huh? lol. Josh and I found out that even if Bai isn't present she's still talked baout because that's all we talked about over dinner. It's only been a week and already we feel like proud parents! This weekend has gone by in a hurry but it was a BEAUTIFUL one. So it has been a pretty good 1st week! However, I have a story to tell that is pretty funny but until then Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BIG News!!!!

Okay, so I can finally share some of our news! Bailey is here!!!! Now before you start wondering who Bailey is, I will totally explain. I wanted to share this with everyone so that when you see us or hang out with us we won't have to go through the whole long story right there in front of her. But I don't think she really minds. I just get a little winded afterwards! ;)
So, Bailey is technically my first cousin. Her mom was my mom's sister. My aunt Jennifer passed away when she Bailey was four and since her father was unable to care for her my mother got custody of four year old Bailey. At the time I was 14 and lived with my father (parents were divorced). Well, if we fast forward to today, Bailey is 12 (going on 23). Bailey hass become my little sister over the past eight years. She has looked up to me and my sister, Leah. So we have tried to help here and there but not living with my mother we didn't have a whole lot of contact. Bailey has come to stay with me and Josh from time to time and we tried to spoil her and do fun things like ice-skating and basketball and just fun stuff a kid would like to do.
Now, there is a lot more to this story that I don't want to share but know things didn't go as smooth as they sound. Well, last friday Josh and I got custody of Bailey. She has been down here for 5 days and things are going great! I could not be more happier with the her living with us. I know things are going to get hard and she will eventually try us and push buttons but all I want for her is to have a safe enviroment to live in and to have a chance at going to college and making something of herself. SHe's a bright kid and has the biggest heart. She has just never been given a chance. Well, I hope you keep us in your prayers as we venture through this crazy journey. Pray that we have patience and knowledge and strength to do this.
Bailey hasn't had the easiest life by any means and she deserves the world. I hope everyone gets to meet her! We are just so excited and proud to have Bailey here!
I hope to use this personal blog of mine to vent or share information I come upon. I come from a blended family and now I hhave one of my own. So, if anyone out there is having troubles with there family and want to ask questions please feel free. I am no expert but I will try my best! I will let everyone know how things are going through here! So stay tuned!!! Until then..... Keep Livin Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh what a night...and week!

Okay, so over the past weekend my hubby and I went to Atlanta with some friends of ours, Justin and Jeremy. Let's just say we had a good time! haha. We drove down on Saturday, checked into our room, and then went to dinner later than night. We ate at this restaurant called STEEL. ANd it was soooo good. I think everyone enjoyed what they ordered. This place was a pretty "Ultra Modern and Trendy" place ( that was for you Justin). So, after dinner and directions from our tripped out waiter we went to a couple of bars. Now, I have never been to any bars in Atlanta so this was an experience for me. You literally could not walk in these bars. You were shoulder to shoulder in some of them. But they were alot of fun I must admit. Much different then the ones here in Huntsville. Well, we got back at like 330 in the morning and passed out. Morning cmae too soon and way too bright if you know what I mean. We got up and got ready and headed to a place that Justin and Jeremy said we MUST go. So, we did. We went to this place called the Highland Bakery. Okay, so this was the best place EVER!!!! You had to wait atleast 30 minutes to get in but I tell you what, I would have waited an hour and a half for this place. It was that good. I had the curried chicken salad sandwich with their white chili and it was AMAZING. If any of you plan on going to Atlanta you MUST go there.

Well, after we ate we made our way to IKEA which was the whole reason for the trip. Jeremy had never been to one so he looked like a little kid in a candy shop. We spent about 3 hours in there and picked out what we are going to order in the next month or so and I am soooo excited and can't wait to show you when I do. We got back just in time to watch the superbowl. I'm gad the Sanits won but I hate to see Peyton lose. Yes, I am in love with the Manning brothers. But, the saints had never been and I know that was a huge boost for Louisianna. So good for them.

Well, this week has beena blur really with going to TN and getting my hair did. And yesterday was my Bday. It was a pretty good day but this year was just very different. I woke up at 7 am and then decided to clean my house. I know... Happy bday to me right? haha. Josh and I went to Tommy's pizza which I love for lunch and then walked around for a bit. For dinner we ate at Shoguns. Can I say yumm,!! It was soo good and my parents came down with all of Josh's fam and it was just alot of fun. So, overall I had a wonderful birthday. Just getting old. haha. Well I am posting a couple of pics from Atl so enjoy. Well, there is more to come.....but until then......Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'
on the way down...Me and the Hubs...this is my surprised face! ;)Tasty treats....heheThe Hubs! How I adore him.My Fav pic from the entire trip!!! Love you Jeremy!Me and Jeremy!!In the back of the cab..... Uh yea, fourteenth street? lol

Friday, February 5, 2010

Stupid Wrinkles!!!!

So, yesterday was a pretty good day for me. Got up bright and early and started with the laundry. I don't mind doing laundry I just hate hanging stuff up on hangers. Well, I managed to get all of our laundry done yesterday so then I started on the kitchen. I wiped down all the counters and then cleaned the floor. That was going good and then I got this wild hair to do something so CRAZY, I'm not sure exactly what took over me. Are you ready? I decided to wash my new curtains and then IRON them. What the hell was I thinking? I mean really? Did I wake up and just say "hmm.... let's mess with Lauren today." If there is any wifely duty I hate doing it is most definately IRONING. I have never been able to iron or even cared to iron. This is why we have awesome dryers people!!! Well, so I get everything ready and the first curtain i grab (they are white) has a huge brown stain in the middle of it. Did I mention they were brand new and just washed??? Yea, so that was just the start. I have an ironing board that fits on the door to save space. Well, don't ever buy one because all it does is laugh at you while it torments you!!! So as I am trying to iron these stupid curtains I manage to drop the iron, burn myself, and scare my dogs all at the same time. yea, just great. All of this is happening in the a.m. and I am not a morning person. So, you are probably wondering if my hubby goes to work with some wrinkles??? The answer is No! His shirts are ALL non-iron /wrinkle resistant! And they are FABULOUS!!!! So, ladies ( and gents) if you don't like ironing, pls let me suggest these wonderful creations. We usually buy Gold Label from dillards or from LL Bean. And yes, it is soooo worth it to buy them. Here is how it goes..... Washing machine....dryer....out of dryer onto hanger!!! Nothing more to it! LOVE it! Okay so enough about that. haha
Last night my wonderful Hubby Dubby hung my curtains (minus the one with the stupid stain) and also hung up another little project I have been working on. This is all happening in my office. I have been working on redoing my office for the past few weeks and things are finally starting to come together and I am soooo proud and excited!! I will def post about it when I finish! So I just wanted to say thanks to my AWESOME Hubby!!! You are the best!!!
And on top of that, I just made my hair appt next week and I super stoked about that. I ahve decided that a change is due with the do! haha I crack myself up. My friend Kacey is doing it and she is awesome! So if anyone is looking for a good stylist hit me up and I can give you her info. (she works at salon allure).
I have so many things coming up that I am excited about that I just want to blurb out but I can't otherwise I won't have anything good to post later!!! Well, I hope you enjoyed my tiff with the iron and maybe it jaut made you laugh a bit! That's what I was aiming for! A good laugh at my expense! haha Well, I am taking a trip this weekend and that will be soooo much fun and I won't be back til Sunday to post about it!!! Until then ............ Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'
Much Love

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Okay, so I have been so bad with updating this blog. So, instead of saying that I'm going to do better, I'm just going to say that I will try to do better. lol. Well, life has been pretty hectic with all the holidays and such. But, my life is about to change so drastically, I can't begin to tell you. I have had to make some pretty hard decisions in the past few months and I can only hope that I (both Josh and I) are making the right ones.
I have never had the perfect childhood growing up (which most people don't) but I am still coping with things that happened many years ago. You try to put distance between those who wrong you, but here I am taking on these people head first. I have always felt like the adult with my mother. I try not to blame her because her childhood her wasn't great either. But then I'm left wondering who to look to and what to do. just yesterday, I had a breakdown because of my mother. It's so hard because I want sooo bad for her to be the mom she once was but I know that will never happen. I want to hate her but I can't. I will always love my mother by default. I am always having internal debates with myself about what I should do or how I should feel. I'm usually left more confused than I started out to be. haha.
Well, Josh and I are about to take something on so HUGE I'm not sure we will survive. lol. I pray every night that I am doing the right thing and that God gives me the strength and patience to do so. I also hope that the friends we do have understand and support us. It's so hard to find true friends. But the ones we do have, I treasure and always will.
BUT WAIT, there's more! ahhh!!!!
I have decided to take my business to the next step. 2010 is going to be a crazy, hectic, cross your fingers, good year! I have had soo much fun the past year with photography and I am NOT stopping. I have had a few speed bumps along the way but that's not going to stop me! Some people in this world can be sooo cruel (i'm finding out first hand) but remember ladies and gentlemen...... What goes around, comes around!!!! This is MY golden rule! It's so true.
Well, Sweet Roots is about to take on a huge change and I can't wait!!!! I am so ready to hit the pavement running!!!! I'm not letting anyone get me down, change my mind, or ruin my dream! So, I hope this fills you in on what is going on in my life!!! When we know more about our life altering decision, I will tell a litlle more. Until then.......Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' And Keep Laughin'