Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Day!!!!

So, today has been a pretty good day. I woke up to the sound of the rain which was awesome! I got to lay in bed and listen to the rain as I snuggled with my dog Marley. Today I have just been editing a session that I shot Saturday. It was an awesome session and I am totally stoked about the pics and the way they are coming out!

On Monday's my hubby has class so I don't really get to see him hardly at all. So I went and got my favorite meal (Thomas' BBQ) and took it up to his work and ate lunch with him. So that was nice to get to spend some time with him since he won't get home til late tonight! And on the way home I decided to stop by one of my fav stores just to look around! I bought my fall purse and it is soooo cute!!! I like to buy a new purse every summer and fall so this will be my fall bag! I was soo excited that I wanted to blog about it! haha. Purses are a big deal for me! Not really anyhting else but I llike a nice bag. Is that so wrong??? Didn't think so! I;m posting a pic of it and a pic of the flowers Josh got me just because!!! sigh.... I heart him soo much! Well, not sure what the week brings but if anything exciting happens I will def write about it!!! Until then.....Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lots of Fun but LITTLE Sleep!

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of watching our neice and nephew. Let me remind you that Austin is 3 and Monkey is not quite 7 months yet. Yea, well my sis and her hubby went away for a romantic get away and we got their adorable kids. This was the first time they had left both of them for 2 nights. But I was very proud of them cause they didn't freak. lol. They needed to get away just the 2 of them and spend some quality time together. And of course Josh and I were like "Sure, we will take them. No problem." We both love kids and especially those 2. We had a busy weekend. They came over on Friday afternoon and one of the first things we did was go to the park. If there is anything I have learned it would be to wear the kids out. We face many obstacles htis past weekend as well. And the first would be Monkey's stroller. We must have looked like really stupid people. Here we are at the park with lots of parents and their kids playing soccer so I mean A LOT of people and we have 2 kids and we can't even open Monkey's stoller. HAHAHA. we just laughed the entire time. Well, that night Austin was so good and went right to sleep in our guest besroom. We could hear him snoring from the hallway. hehe. Monkey on the other hand went to sleep and then woke up at 2 a.m. Yep I said it 2!!!! And she didn't go back down till close to 4. And then they both got back up at 6. Whew! We were really tired. The next day was good. We went to the store and bought Austin an Alabama shirt for the game that night. We then went swimming, and hung out over at Josh's parents. His parents fell in love. They have met Austin a few but this was the first time they had met Monkey. His mom wouldn't even put her down. It was really cute! Well, Shell and Steve came on Sunday to pick up the kids. They looked a little tired from their weekend which was a good sign! hehe! The kids were glad to see mommy and daddy and so were we! After they left we took a 2 hour nap and then went to bed early! We are caught up on sleep and feeloing good!
We might have some new things coming up so we will have to see how things go. I hope I get to post them. Until then ................ Keep Livin' Keep Laughin' Keep Lovin'