Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Grounding!! It was so hilarious!

Last Sunday night, Josh and I lay there in bed trying to fall asleep. Well, I was trying to get sleepy by reading a book and Josh just passes out whenever he gets horizontal! lol. Anyways, I'm laying there reading and I hear this noise. I can't even desribe it but I know it wasn't our dogs. Our dogs have taken to sleeping downstairs in the middle of the night on a couch and a chair. So, I decided to ignore it cause it wasn't like a loud noise or anything just a vvery strange noise. I turn the light out and sure enough I drifted right to sleep.
I was awoken in the middle of the night by Marley barking downstairs. Half asleep, I wake Josh up and ask " What is Marley barking at?" Mar doesn't bark at night usually cause she's snoring so loud she doesn't hear anything. I drifted back to sleep before Josh could tell me what he found. What can I say? I was sleeping pretty darn good.
The next morning Josh wakes me up and says "Hey, I need to tell you something."
So, I rub my eyes and try to wake up enough to understand the words coming out of his mouth. He starts off by asking me if I remembered waking him up last night and I vaguely could. The way he was talking I knew it wasn't good and it kinda scared me. He then went on to tell me that he went downstairs last night to see what Mar had been barking at and he got to the office and there was a glow from under the door. He knew my laptop should have been asleep too. So he went in and did sosme investigating. THis is what he found. Bailey had figured out my password and gotten on to my laptop at like 2 in the morning. I was FURIOUS!!! We had talked about the rules and one of my biggest pet peaves is if someone gets into my stuff without asking. And this is my OFFICE!!! I work in there. My equipment is in there and my laptop is not meant to browse stuff online! I wanted to get out of bed and just start yelling but then Josh calmed me down. THankfully! lol. So we came up with a plan! Ask her if she wanted to tell us anything first. You know, like plant the seed. Well, I asked and she was like no? What do I need to tell you? I could see she was a little worried. I asked her at like 9 in the morning. I said ok, well keep thinking. Later I asked again. SHe said nooo? I said ok. Then Josh came home and we said we are giving you one more chancee to tell us anything you want to. She STILL didn't crack. THEN, I put my serious face on, leaned over, and in cool, calm voice I said I know you were on my laptop last night. And then fear showed up in her eyes!!!! I tried not to laugh! At first she tried to deny it. But comeon, wee really aren't that dumb Bai! What really got me is that she got onto Myspace. I HATE myspace. I DESPISE Myspace. So many things can go wrong on myspace. IT really isn't protected and I know that there are perves out there.
Well, we lectured her on how we were grounding her and how dissapointed we were in her. And the entire time she just looked pissed. She wouldn't look at us and she would roll her eyes. THIS pissed me off. If someone is talking toyou, you look at them out of respect. SO I raised my voice a little and told her. ANd after about 2 minutes of that she BROKE! She started crying and apologizing. I felt bad, but hey I'm not letting things slide in this house.
So, as her punishment we took her tv out of her room. Which she would watch until the wee hours of the morning. It now resides in our room! It was a pretty successful grounding to me! Josh and I were both proud of ourselves. O yea, and about the first strange noise we heard. Want to know what it was? Cheese-its! She had gone down and gottena box of cheese-its and then hid them behind her bed. Oh kids. haha! Well, my next post should be on my first day of homeschooling or Monkey's 1st b-day! SO until then..........Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'

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