Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Okay, so I know Isaid that I was back and such and then I don't blog for like a year! Shame on me BUT I have good reason. Promise. I have been sooo busy that I haven't had much time for anything. But that's good right? I would much rather be busy than not. Since the beach trip I have had several shoots that were awesome and just shot a wedding over the weekend! Cannot wait to tell everyone about it too! But I have been busy editing, meeting with new clients, and trying to get everything in order for the changing season.
So, a couple weekends ago I had a session with my sister's in-laws and it was very interesting. It involved 5 kids under the age of 6. YEA, I know. haha. But all was good. The next day I had a session with some friends of ours and it was AMAZING!!! Not only did we get some good shots but we had a blast doing it. We laughed the entire time and it made the pics that much better.

This past weekend I shot a wedding on my dad's birthday. We had to leave Huntsville early to drive an hour and a half to get to the location of the wedding. When we woke up we found that our downstairs had flooded. Yea, it sucked. So, we were trying to get ready while soaking up water to the best of our ability. We left Huntsville at 745 that day and we didn't get back til close to midnight! It was a LONG day. But a good day.

The next day was my hubby's dad's birthday. yea, our dad's birthdays are back to back. SO we had a wonderful lunch and spent some time with them. Then we went home to clean the rest of the water from the downstairs!

In between the other days I have been editing, editing, and editing some more. Today, was pretty busy as well. I had a lunch date with my friend Justin. We went to Mellow Mushroom (yummm) and caught up. I then cleaned house, did laundry, and went to the store since we were having company over. So, things have been quite busy around here. I have gotten a lot of interest in my work lately and my calender is filling up!!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that supports me and my dreams. I hope I don't keep you wating another year for another post! So, until then Keep Livin, Keep Lovin , & Keep Laughin!

1 comment:

  1. You sound like you have been a very busy lady. The photos are great. I am so tickled and happy for you, that you have found something you are passionate about and love doing. I like to hear what is going on with you, so make sure to keep us all posted. Take care sweetie and hope to see you soon.
