Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Okay, so I have been so bad with updating this blog. So, instead of saying that I'm going to do better, I'm just going to say that I will try to do better. lol. Well, life has been pretty hectic with all the holidays and such. But, my life is about to change so drastically, I can't begin to tell you. I have had to make some pretty hard decisions in the past few months and I can only hope that I (both Josh and I) are making the right ones.
I have never had the perfect childhood growing up (which most people don't) but I am still coping with things that happened many years ago. You try to put distance between those who wrong you, but here I am taking on these people head first. I have always felt like the adult with my mother. I try not to blame her because her childhood her wasn't great either. But then I'm left wondering who to look to and what to do. just yesterday, I had a breakdown because of my mother. It's so hard because I want sooo bad for her to be the mom she once was but I know that will never happen. I want to hate her but I can't. I will always love my mother by default. I am always having internal debates with myself about what I should do or how I should feel. I'm usually left more confused than I started out to be. haha.
Well, Josh and I are about to take something on so HUGE I'm not sure we will survive. lol. I pray every night that I am doing the right thing and that God gives me the strength and patience to do so. I also hope that the friends we do have understand and support us. It's so hard to find true friends. But the ones we do have, I treasure and always will.
BUT WAIT, there's more! ahhh!!!!
I have decided to take my business to the next step. 2010 is going to be a crazy, hectic, cross your fingers, good year! I have had soo much fun the past year with photography and I am NOT stopping. I have had a few speed bumps along the way but that's not going to stop me! Some people in this world can be sooo cruel (i'm finding out first hand) but remember ladies and gentlemen...... What goes around, comes around!!!! This is MY golden rule! It's so true.
Well, Sweet Roots is about to take on a huge change and I can't wait!!!! I am so ready to hit the pavement running!!!! I'm not letting anyone get me down, change my mind, or ruin my dream! So, I hope this fills you in on what is going on in my life!!! When we know more about our life altering decision, I will tell a litlle more. Until then.......Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' And Keep Laughin'

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