Friday, February 5, 2010

Stupid Wrinkles!!!!

So, yesterday was a pretty good day for me. Got up bright and early and started with the laundry. I don't mind doing laundry I just hate hanging stuff up on hangers. Well, I managed to get all of our laundry done yesterday so then I started on the kitchen. I wiped down all the counters and then cleaned the floor. That was going good and then I got this wild hair to do something so CRAZY, I'm not sure exactly what took over me. Are you ready? I decided to wash my new curtains and then IRON them. What the hell was I thinking? I mean really? Did I wake up and just say "hmm.... let's mess with Lauren today." If there is any wifely duty I hate doing it is most definately IRONING. I have never been able to iron or even cared to iron. This is why we have awesome dryers people!!! Well, so I get everything ready and the first curtain i grab (they are white) has a huge brown stain in the middle of it. Did I mention they were brand new and just washed??? Yea, so that was just the start. I have an ironing board that fits on the door to save space. Well, don't ever buy one because all it does is laugh at you while it torments you!!! So as I am trying to iron these stupid curtains I manage to drop the iron, burn myself, and scare my dogs all at the same time. yea, just great. All of this is happening in the a.m. and I am not a morning person. So, you are probably wondering if my hubby goes to work with some wrinkles??? The answer is No! His shirts are ALL non-iron /wrinkle resistant! And they are FABULOUS!!!! So, ladies ( and gents) if you don't like ironing, pls let me suggest these wonderful creations. We usually buy Gold Label from dillards or from LL Bean. And yes, it is soooo worth it to buy them. Here is how it goes..... Washing machine....dryer....out of dryer onto hanger!!! Nothing more to it! LOVE it! Okay so enough about that. haha
Last night my wonderful Hubby Dubby hung my curtains (minus the one with the stupid stain) and also hung up another little project I have been working on. This is all happening in my office. I have been working on redoing my office for the past few weeks and things are finally starting to come together and I am soooo proud and excited!! I will def post about it when I finish! So I just wanted to say thanks to my AWESOME Hubby!!! You are the best!!!
And on top of that, I just made my hair appt next week and I super stoked about that. I ahve decided that a change is due with the do! haha I crack myself up. My friend Kacey is doing it and she is awesome! So if anyone is looking for a good stylist hit me up and I can give you her info. (she works at salon allure).
I have so many things coming up that I am excited about that I just want to blurb out but I can't otherwise I won't have anything good to post later!!! Well, I hope you enjoyed my tiff with the iron and maybe it jaut made you laugh a bit! That's what I was aiming for! A good laugh at my expense! haha Well, I am taking a trip this weekend and that will be soooo much fun and I won't be back til Sunday to post about it!!! Until then ............ Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' and Keep Laughin'
Much Love

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