Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lucky To Be Me!!!

So, last night my hubby didn't get home until late last night from work. I often get frustrated with his eratic work schedule and tend to get a bit mad. But, today I remind myself how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband! Josh is loving, caring, understanding, patient, and best of all True. My family all the time reminds me "how lucky" I am to have a husband like him and it sometimes irritates me because I hear so often, but it is SO true. I could not have been more blessed than I was the day we said I do. I just wanted to say thank you Josh for letting me do what I want to do and being sooo supportive. You really are my love! and butthead! lol.

Well, last night I got to start editing some of Monkey's pictures and they are just sooo cute! I cannot believe she is 6 months old already! I am so thankful to be apart of her and her big brother's life. I will post some pics and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! I will post some more soon and Until then..... Keep Livin Keep Lovin and Keep Laughin!

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