Monday, July 20, 2009

What a weekend!

So, the weekend started off by Josh going golfing with his dad and brother. While they were away, I went over to a friends to lay out by the pool. This was the first time I have been to a pool this summer. O well. We spent the afternoon laying by the pool sipping on some yummy concoctions. Josh joined us a little later. We decided that this weekend would be full of R&R. Somehting that was much needed. haha. So, after the pool we went to bridgestreet and filled our tummy's with yummy goodness. After walking around for a bit we went back to our house and spent the night watching Harry Potter.

Sunday, however, was a bit different. I had a shoot at 5 and location was still in the air. So, Josh and I drove around one final time and found the perfect spot. My friend Kacey was coming over early to fix my do. I had an awesome time while she was here. I don't get a lot of girl time in so having her over was just what I needed. 5 0'clock came quick and the Williams' family were at our door. Kacey decided to stay and give me a hand sice they had 2 kids. I will take any help I can get. haha. The shoot was amazing and I could not be happier with the way the pictures are coming out. I will post a few and tell me what you think. I am about to go join my wonderful hubby outside on our deck to grill some porkchops! YUMMMM!!!!! Hope everone has had an awesome Monday. I know I have! More stories to come...until then.....Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Friday, July 17, 2009

Smelling Much Better!

So good news!!!! Shiner is smelling much much better. You can only smell it if you smell his nose very very closely! My hubby went and bought some skunk stuff and it works! THANK YOU PETSMART!!!! Today was a good day. I went and visited Josh at work and hung around there for a couple of hours. His boss is super cool and we usually all wind up sitting around and chatting when I come in. Before I went by his office, I bought myself the best luch EVER!!!! THOMAS'!!!!! Can I get a woot woot?? WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!! It's so good. Chicken and fries and slaw with a sweet tea!!!!! I could eat it every day. Yummm. Anyways. After that we drove around looking for new locations for me to shoot. Found a couple of really cool places that I want totry out but still looking! We then dropped by his parents house to get the Harry Potter movies and wound up eating dinner with them. They have started a Friday night tradition....PIZZA! SO of course we were totally down to eat with them! We stayed for a few hours just chatting about the differnet trips coming up. His parents are super sweet and supportive of me and Josh. Well, we are about to start the Harry Potter movies since we want to go see the new one but we won't know what's going on. So, we grabbed the movies and are having a friday night IN! We need to rest up from the past few weekends! haha. I hope to tell you some interesting tales the next time! Until then...... Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Okay, so tonight has been an interesting one! My hubby and I went to Bridgestreet for some oh so yummy pizza. We ran a couple of errands and then went home. All was fine in the Keeton house.....UNTIL..... we let shiner out. tsk tsk. For when we let him in, Josh nearly gagged. Shiner had been SUCCESSFULLY sprayed by a skunk. I repeat myself...SUCCESSFULLY the face. We later found out that he was very lucky that he didn't go blind. Well, after a shampoo with doggy shampoo we did mouthwash then shampoo then tomato jucie then shampoo! I love my hubby dearly cause he was the one in the shower with Shiner! WAY TO GO BABE!!! Trust me though I was rooting him on the entire time from afar! hehe!I must say that we feel lucky that only one dog went out when they usually go together!

Anyways.... today was a pretty good day! I went over to my sister's house today to run a few ideas (for sweet roots) by her. Well, a few ideas turned into a lot of ideas! haha. But that's really good cause now we feel much better about the business. We have a lot of creative projects coming up that I am totally stoked about! WOOT WOOT!!! So between talking to Shell, holding Monkey, and helping her big brother find his undies, we actually got some stuff accomplished! Overall it was really good day! Hope to post some pics eventually!!! Until then.....Keep livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy Busy Bee!

Okay, so it's been a day or two or a week since I have blogged! But, that's ok cause I have been super busy!!! I love it when my life is busy and there is always something around the corner. This past weekend was an absolute blast. Friday night we went out in celebration for a friend. He passed his law exam to become a pharmacist! WOOT WOOT!! Go Justin! Well, they started the evening out early bu going to dinner and a movie but Josh and I had no time to get ready. We had moved his company to their new building and let me tell you desks can be quite heavy. However, it felt good to get out and get some exercise. Later on that night we met up with the other two couples downtown at Mason's. We stayed there for a while and then made our way to a new bar that had opened that night. It's called Rush or The Rush. Can't really remember. O well. It was fun! We ran into a bunch of people. Luckily I had my dancing soul mate with me! Her name is Ashley. I always felt that I was the only one who danced everywhere there was music. BUT NO!!! Ashley dances everywhere with me now! Sigh!!! haha! We had a ton of fun. The night went on and so did the fun.
Saturday, we had to get up because my sister was bringing over monkey. This would be my niece. I call her monkey cause she is so adorable and has really chubby cheeks. My sister and my nephew had to attend a b-day party down the road so Josh and I got to hang out with monkey. First off, this baby is the most chill baby I have ever met! As long as you are holding her she is perfectly content. Time flew by and before we knew it they were gone.
Summerfest!!!! This was the first year Huntsville had put on this event! They blocked off streets downtown and had bands play like Sister Hazel and Cowboy Mouth. It was a lot of fun! As the sun went down, so did the drinks! Everyone insight was feeling the music. We stayed for a while and then we had to go lewt the our dogs out. As soon as we let them in we drove back downtown and joined back with the group. After the bands were done playing we went to a fine establishment. (sammy t's) yea, I know! lol. The were playing 80's music which was different but it didn't keep Ashley and me from dancing. Overall, it was a good night!
Sunday, was a bit of a rest day. We needed it! My allergies started to attack me so that wasn't really fun. But I feel 110% now! YAY Nyquil!!!! So, tonight my friend is coming over to cut mine and josh's hair! We need it badddd! This week is going to be pretty busy as well! I have a shoot Friday and Sunday and on Saturday I have a friend coming into town! SOOOO.... there ought to be some interesting posts! haha! Until then... Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Productive Tuesday!

So, today was much more productive than yesterday. Thank goodness! haha. Although I slept in, I got a lot done. I have turned into a bit of a night owl so I usually sleep later. But that's ok because I get most of my editing done between 12-2 in the morning. The Hubs is asleep and so are the dogs, it's nice and dark so my computer glows bright! Back to today... I was able to clean the kitchen some and do the dishes and wash some laundry! I have to say one of my favorite smells is fabric softener in the washing machine. Hmmmm it puts me in a nice, clean, happy place. I also pulled out some paint today and got a little crafty. When JOsh got home we took the dogs for a ride (which is their fav thing to do). We drove around listening to music and enjoying having the windows rolled down! So, overall it was a pretty good day. We are now about to watch Benjamin Button! I have heard good things about the movie so we'll have to see! OHHHHH!!!!!!!! By the I decided that I want to go to the beach! SOON! I just want to sit out on the beach in the sun with a drink in my hand and eat lots of yummy food! That's all I want! haha. So, now I just have to convince the hubby, find a condo, and find willing participants!!!! I don't think that last part will be too hard though! lol! I will let you know how that goes!!! Until then.................. Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' & Keep Laughin'

Lazy Days.....

So, the past couple of days have been pretty lazy BUT I don't mind one bit! haha. It has actually given me some time to get a lot of my editing done. I was able to buy some new software so I have had alot of fun playing around with that and sharing the photos with others. I always love to hear what others have to say even if they don't have good things to say. It gives me another way to look at the photos so I can improve in any area. Not everyone has been supportive, but mostly everyone and it's really nice when you have people backing you up when you are trying to do something you love. I am pretty much self-taught when it comes to photography so I still have a lot to learn. But that's ok I am always up to finding out something new!
Well, yesterday I when my hubby got home wee went to Hancock's to buy some fabric that I am going to take to one of my sisters. She just recently made my neice some dresses and they were absolutely adorable. So, of course, I couldn't help myself from going and purchasing some adorable fabric. A little girl can never have too much to wear! haha. (i still live by that)
After that, we went and picked up some pizza at Marco's pizza. This was the first time we had ever eaten Marco's. But holy cow!!!!! It was delicious! I highly reccommend it to everyone! We then went home and sat our happy bottoms on the couch to watch one of my favorite shows.....The secret life of the american teenager! I know I know.... but it's actually a really good show. Atleast I think it is! lol. It adresses real life issues in a pretty tasteful way.
We ended the night by walking our pups around our neighborhood. Anytime we put shoes on, our dogs go crazy cause they think they are going somewhere. You gotta love dogs!!! well, hopefully the next time I write, I will have something interesting to tell ya'll!!! So until then........... Keep livin' Keep Lovin' & Keep Laughin'

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a Weekend!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first post for my personal blog so I hope it's not too boring! This weekend was kind of crazy so I have a feeling that it will be anything but boring! haha! One of my sisters has started blogging about her daily life and it made me want to start one of my own. So here it is!
I am 22 years old and married to a wonderful guy! We live in Alabama with our 2 children Marley and Shiner! Marley is a black lab and Shiner is a mut! So yea we call our dogs our children since we don't have any yet! Well, my husband works for a small engineering firm and I am starting my own photography business called Sweet Roots Photography. I have started a blog for my photos already. Have a peak and let me know what you think.
Ok, so this weekend was a CRAZY weekend! It started out with Thursday night. We went downtown to a local bar with a couple of our friends. We didn't stay out too long because they had to work the next day but we made plans to go out the next night! And so we did and man, let me tell you.... it was an adventure to say the least! haha! We went downtown meeting up with the couple before but they weren't there yet so we hung out with some other friends we ran into! It quickly turned into the guys buying drinks and shots for each other and harrassing people as they walked by and such! It was entertaining and a unique way to meet others! Well the other couple finally made it and they brought some more people with them. So all of a sudden it went from 6 people to about 20 people. WOW! haha. So we then ventured to another bar that is more for dancing and had fun shaking our rumps! We saw some disturbing things however! Girls doing things I didn't know was possible! Well, time passed quickly as we were having fun and all the sudden it was 2 in the morning and the bar was shutting down! BUT.... we weren't done having our fun! So... we went somewhere else! I won't say where but it was an experience! experience! Well, me and the hubs didn't get home till 5 that morning! Yea, 5! I haven't done that in a looonnnggg time! lol! I had sooo much fun though! When we woke up we had to start getting ready for the day since it was the 4th@! We were suppose to do something with my sis but my hubby being the social butterfly he is invited some people over! Sorry sis! We grilled out and just talked and watched a couple fireworks. It was quite lowkey since everyone was suffering from the night before. We survived and so did the rest.
Today, me and my hubby had a lazy day. We wore our pj's all day and just relaxed with our dogs. We went over to my in-laws for dinner (which was so yummy) and caught up. It was such a hectic weekend, after dinner we just drove around and talked. That has to be our favorite thing to do. We just drive and talk since there aren't any distractions. So that was nice. We got home to 2 dogs happy to see us. Josh (my hubby) went and played in his new man room (i'll put pics up soon) and I edited pics from a wedding I shot recently! And now here I am laying in the bed writing this! Well I hope to keep everyone informed on the craziness I call my life! Untill then- Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' & Keep Laughin'