Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy Busy Bee!

Okay, so it's been a day or two or a week since I have blogged! But, that's ok cause I have been super busy!!! I love it when my life is busy and there is always something around the corner. This past weekend was an absolute blast. Friday night we went out in celebration for a friend. He passed his law exam to become a pharmacist! WOOT WOOT!! Go Justin! Well, they started the evening out early bu going to dinner and a movie but Josh and I had no time to get ready. We had moved his company to their new building and let me tell you desks can be quite heavy. However, it felt good to get out and get some exercise. Later on that night we met up with the other two couples downtown at Mason's. We stayed there for a while and then made our way to a new bar that had opened that night. It's called Rush or The Rush. Can't really remember. O well. It was fun! We ran into a bunch of people. Luckily I had my dancing soul mate with me! Her name is Ashley. I always felt that I was the only one who danced everywhere there was music. BUT NO!!! Ashley dances everywhere with me now! Sigh!!! haha! We had a ton of fun. The night went on and so did the fun.
Saturday, we had to get up because my sister was bringing over monkey. This would be my niece. I call her monkey cause she is so adorable and has really chubby cheeks. My sister and my nephew had to attend a b-day party down the road so Josh and I got to hang out with monkey. First off, this baby is the most chill baby I have ever met! As long as you are holding her she is perfectly content. Time flew by and before we knew it they were gone.
Summerfest!!!! This was the first year Huntsville had put on this event! They blocked off streets downtown and had bands play like Sister Hazel and Cowboy Mouth. It was a lot of fun! As the sun went down, so did the drinks! Everyone insight was feeling the music. We stayed for a while and then we had to go lewt the our dogs out. As soon as we let them in we drove back downtown and joined back with the group. After the bands were done playing we went to a fine establishment. (sammy t's) yea, I know! lol. The were playing 80's music which was different but it didn't keep Ashley and me from dancing. Overall, it was a good night!
Sunday, was a bit of a rest day. We needed it! My allergies started to attack me so that wasn't really fun. But I feel 110% now! YAY Nyquil!!!! So, tonight my friend is coming over to cut mine and josh's hair! We need it badddd! This week is going to be pretty busy as well! I have a shoot Friday and Sunday and on Saturday I have a friend coming into town! SOOOO.... there ought to be some interesting posts! haha! Until then... Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' Keep Laughin'

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