Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a Weekend!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first post for my personal blog so I hope it's not too boring! This weekend was kind of crazy so I have a feeling that it will be anything but boring! haha! One of my sisters has started blogging about her daily life and it made me want to start one of my own. So here it is!
I am 22 years old and married to a wonderful guy! We live in Alabama with our 2 children Marley and Shiner! Marley is a black lab and Shiner is a mut! So yea we call our dogs our children since we don't have any yet! Well, my husband works for a small engineering firm and I am starting my own photography business called Sweet Roots Photography. I have started a blog for my photos already. Have a peak and let me know what you think.
Ok, so this weekend was a CRAZY weekend! It started out with Thursday night. We went downtown to a local bar with a couple of our friends. We didn't stay out too long because they had to work the next day but we made plans to go out the next night! And so we did and man, let me tell you.... it was an adventure to say the least! haha! We went downtown meeting up with the couple before but they weren't there yet so we hung out with some other friends we ran into! It quickly turned into the guys buying drinks and shots for each other and harrassing people as they walked by and such! It was entertaining and a unique way to meet others! Well the other couple finally made it and they brought some more people with them. So all of a sudden it went from 6 people to about 20 people. WOW! haha. So we then ventured to another bar that is more for dancing and had fun shaking our rumps! We saw some disturbing things however! Girls doing things I didn't know was possible! Well, time passed quickly as we were having fun and all the sudden it was 2 in the morning and the bar was shutting down! BUT.... we weren't done having our fun! So... we went somewhere else! I won't say where but it was an experience! experience! Well, me and the hubs didn't get home till 5 that morning! Yea, 5! I haven't done that in a looonnnggg time! lol! I had sooo much fun though! When we woke up we had to start getting ready for the day since it was the 4th@! We were suppose to do something with my sis but my hubby being the social butterfly he is invited some people over! Sorry sis! We grilled out and just talked and watched a couple fireworks. It was quite lowkey since everyone was suffering from the night before. We survived and so did the rest.
Today, me and my hubby had a lazy day. We wore our pj's all day and just relaxed with our dogs. We went over to my in-laws for dinner (which was so yummy) and caught up. It was such a hectic weekend, after dinner we just drove around and talked. That has to be our favorite thing to do. We just drive and talk since there aren't any distractions. So that was nice. We got home to 2 dogs happy to see us. Josh (my hubby) went and played in his new man room (i'll put pics up soon) and I edited pics from a wedding I shot recently! And now here I am laying in the bed writing this! Well I hope to keep everyone informed on the craziness I call my life! Untill then- Keep Livin' Keep Lovin' & Keep Laughin'

1 comment:

  1. Hey there girl, I just keep finding you all over. I am so excited that you are starting a blog too! I look forward to keeping up with ya. Take care..
